
Ifyourcomputerisupandrunning,justsimplydeletethefile.YoumayalsoneedtodisabletheWindowsModuleInstallertoturndowntheverbosityofthe ...,IcangotothefileanddeletethefilesintheCBSfolderwithease.Justrightclick/shift/delete.SoIcreatedashortcutofthe'C:-Windows ...,DeletethelargeCbspersist_XX.logfilein-Windows-Logs-CBSormoveitoutofthedirectory.RestarttheWindowsModulesInstaller( ...,ThereisaknownWindows7...

How to stop the CBS.log file from growing so large?

If your computer is up and running, just simply delete the file. You may also need to disable the Windows Module Installer to turn down the verbosity of the ...


I can go to the file and delete the files in the CBS folder with ease. Just right click/shift/delete. So I created a shortcut of the 'C:-Windows ...

Windows 7: CBS.log bug can fill your system drive

Delete the large Cbspersist_XX.log file in -Windows-Logs-CBS or move it out of the directory. Restart the Windows Modules Installer ( ...

Windows CBS Log File Eating Up Disk Space

There is a known Windows 7 log file compression bug. As a result of this bug log files replicate and grow filling up your hard drive effecting system ...


Yes. Highlight all of the files in the CBS folder and hit the Delete key. If any files are in use (one or two will be in use) then you will not be able to ...

Can I delete CbsPersist logs safely, your opinion please.

Hi,. The logs in that folder are needed to diagnose problems with the installation of Windows Updates, you can delete all the logs except CBS.

Is it safe to delete the CBS.log file?

You can safely delete this file; the trusted installer creates a new one if it can't find it. Just ensure that another program is not accessing it.

CBS.log file at 490GB (and is still growing) : rbuildapc

Navigate to C:-Windows-Logs-CBS and delete all the stuff in there (and empty recycle bin unless you did a SHIFT+Del). Turn on Windows Module ...

CBS.log file sitting at 147GB : rtechsupport

You will need to stop the Windows Update service to delete the CBS log files. Win+R to open the run window, type services.msc and click OK, scroll down to ...

Corrupt File C

Update I deleted the files below the CBS and re-ran the sfc .scannow and got the saem message. Would it be of to actually delete the CBS file?